Sunday, March 10th, 2013
Time: 4:30 pm – 6:00 pm
A meeting room near Nihonbashi Station or JR Tokyo Station
Discussion Topics:
An attendee is required to bring a topic to the meeting which he wants to exchange opinions about with other attendees. Any topic is welcome - anything from love or workplace human relations to an environmental or political issue, or even world peace!!
Examples of topics:
* Briefs or boxer shorts. Which types of underwear do you recommend? And why?
* What would you do if you came home and spotted your partner in bed with your closest friend?
* Suppose you are having lunch with your colleagues. One of them suddenly and loudly asks you if you prefer men. You have not come out in your office. What will you say?
* Do we need nuclear power plants in Japan?
* Are you for or against capital punishment?
Please note that due to the time limit, we unfortunately will not be able to cover all the topics brought by attendees. Topics to be discussed will be chosen by lot in the meeting before discussion starts.
Maximum Number Of Attendees To Be Admitted: Seven
Fee: Approximately 2,000 yen. (Meeting room charge will be split among attendees.)
How To Apply:
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